MLST Eagle's Nest Media Center
Eagle's Nest Mission Statement:
The Mission of the McCrorey-Liston School of Technology Media Center program, in support of our district and school’s mission statement, is to collaborate with teachers in an effort to assist members of the learning community in becoming effective users of information and to foster the love of reading.
SC Discus provides access to research databases and eBooks.
SC Discus contains multiple research databases and South Carolina history.
Discus Kids includes: Britannica, BrainPop Jr., CultureGrams, Biography in Context, Kids InfoBits, DK Eyewitness, Explora, Magic School Bus, Learn 360, NovelList K-8, StudySC, TumbleBooks, World Almanac.
Check with the school librarian for the password for home access.
Use QuizList to search to see if any book has a Reading Counts quiz to go with it.
Additional Free Reading Materials
Storyline Online Books read by actors with activity guides
KidLitTv Interviews with authors and illustrators.
Epic **most students have a class code from teacher** or sign-up for free
TumbleBooks scroll to bottom for login information (now includes TumbleMath)