McCrorey-Liston Welcome Mural and Our Motto
About Us » Principal's Message

Principal's Message

Dr. Chandra Bell - Principal
Welcome to McCrorey-Liston School of Technology! We are excited about the school year as we embark upon a year of endless possibilities. I continue to be excited to serve the students, parents, staff, and community of stakeholders of such a remarkable school. This year, MLST will continue to serve as an Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) site. Our theme this year is L.I.T with S.W.A.G (Leaders in Teaching with Students with AVID Goals). As an AVID school, we will focus our efforts on implementing research-based instructional practices to increase student achievement. We will continue our transformation by focusing on organization and vocabulary. We will use a systematic approach in our teaching and learning to increase student achievement while preparing students for future college and careers. The school's instructional practices will promote high engagement and rigorous instruction based on WICOR (Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization, and Reading) to increase the level of student learning and achievement. 
Communication continues to be an area in which we strive to improve. Throughout the school year, the automated phone message system will be used to communicate important information to parents. If you have not received an automated message this year, please be sure to check your contact information in the office. 
Thanks for all that you do to make McCrorey-Liston School of Technology Soar Above All Expectations!
Educationally yours,
Dr. Chandra Bell, Principal