McCrorey-Liston Welcome Mural and Our Motto

MLST Receives  Little Free Library Impact Grant!


Little Free Library provides free book exchanges for places where they can have meaningful impact. These libraries are made possible by donations from  individuals and organizations to Little Free Library’s Impact Library Program. Additional funding comes from Little Free Library’s sales and registration revenues.


The Impact Library Package Includes:

  1. A pre-built Little Free Library or Kit
  2. Charter sign with registration number
  3. Steward’s guide of information and resources
  4. A starter collection of books
  5. A library post with topper


This program is simple….bring a book, take a book! With limited access to public library and bookmobile, our Little Free Library will provide access to quality books for community members of all  ages!


As soon as our Little Free Library is installed, we will have a ribbon-cutting for the school and community!